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First Writer's Vlog!

I’ve always liked the idea of vlogs and I enjoy watching them, even if they have nothing to do with writing. It’s great that we have another medium through which to communicate and share our experiences, ideas, and lives. It feels to me like a relaxed chat that you have the option of taking part in […]

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My Editing Background and College Tour

As many of you know, I own an editing company called Proof Positive. I’ve been asked many times what makes me qualified to be an editor and to run an editing business, so much so that I’ve made a video about it. I also included a tour of part of my college campus as well as the […]

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NEW Writer's Takeaway Series on YouTube

Exciting news: I’m starting a new series on my YouTube channel called Writer’s Takeaway, and the first video is already up! In each episode, I’ll talk about what writers can learn from reading any particular book, fiction or nonfiction, that I have recently finished. The takeaway can be anything from writing style tips to dialogue technique to plot tightening, […]

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