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Tags: vlogging

First Writer's Vlog!

I’ve always liked the idea of vlogs and I enjoy watching them, even if they have nothing to do with writing. It’s great that we have another medium through which to communicate and share our experiences, ideas, and lives. It feels to me like a relaxed chat that you have the option of taking part in […]

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Vlogging NaNoWriMo on YouTube

Big announcement! I’m going to be vlogging my experience with NaNoWriMo on YouTube! Every day I’ll have a new video up – that’s 30 days of NaNo videos. Check out yesterday’s on anxiety and procrastination here: http://youtu.be/4mza5VLsJc4. Subscribe, like, comment – this is just another way to share my writing life and interact with other writers/readers! […]

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