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Book Title, Cover, and Synopsis Revealed

THE DAY HAS COME! NaNoWriMo has begun and I’m off to a satisfying start. I was nervous my novel writing skills would be too rusty to do as well as I hoped, but today is proving to me that I’ve still got it – I just have to dust it off. I think this novel […]

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T Minus 1 Day to NaNoWriMo 2014!

There’s only one day to go until NaNoWriMo kicks off, and I’m finding myself torn. Half of me is really excited and can’t wait to get started. The creative juices are definitely flowing! The other half actually feels nervous, something I never expected. I keep thinking I should have done more research before this point, […]

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NaNoWriMo 2014 – I'm in!

I’ve been wanting to participate in NaNoWriMo for a couple of years now, but I haven’t had a second to spare. I know a lot of people say that, and the usual response is, “You have to MAKE time!”, but sometimes there truly isn’t any time to make. I’ve felt happy for the people who […]

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Review: Brava, Valentine

Brava, Valentine by Adriana Trigiani My rating: 0 of 5 stars I didn’t finish this book. I’m not going to rate it because I really didn’t care for it, not because the writing was bad, but because I expected it to be more like Trigiani’s “Rococo”, otherwise I wouldn’t have picked it up in the […]

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Review: Rococo

Rococo by Adriana Trigiani My rating: 4 of 5 stars To put it simply, I liked this book. It had moments of tension, humor, disappointment, and straight up interior design heaven. Here and there the design descriptions were just a little too much, a little boring, but not enough to deter me from listening and […]

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Review: One Fifth Avenue

One Fifth Avenue by Candace Bushnell My rating: 2 of 5 stars There was next to nothing good about this book. Listen to all the other reviewers on Goodreads who warned you to stay away from it. Candace Bushnell had a major hit with Sex and the City, and I can’t say I’ve read it, […]

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Reblog: Celebrities Are Off Limits. Here's Why.

Proof Positive just put up a post about why authors shouldn’t include celebrity names, based on a recent lawsuit. Avoid a lawsuit of your own and find out what happened and how to dodge the same issue: http://www.proofpositivepro.com/writing-2/celebrities-are-off-limits-heres-why/

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Review: 1Q84

1Q84 by Haruki Murakami My rating: 2 of 5 stars I know this was a bestseller, but I really don’t see it. Everything it was leading up to just sort of fell off at the end and left me wondering what the whole point was. That’s not a spoiler, you’d still have to read most […]

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