12/14/2013 Guest Writing Prompt
Check out my guest writing prompt on Thoughts on Toast’s blog! She has some really great prompts to get you writing. Let me know if this one gives you any ideas!
Wisdom's Creation
Here is my response to Thoughts on Toast‘s writing prompt: “If you could bookmark life”. It took its own turns, as writing prompts are meant to do, and doesn’t actually include any bookmarks. Hope you enjoy it! ~~~ My finger slides from one book to the next in a library of hard and soft covers, […]
Different Solution to Writer's Block
Sometimes I feel inspired to write a particular story or book, but when I sit down to write, I feel overwhelmed, restless, or like I’m simply not sure what I want to put down on the page. I found a great solution recently. I’m currently working on a book that I started a few months […]