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Tags: write

Monday Thoughts on Creativity: Clearing Your Mind

Hello Monday. You’re unexpected. Sometimes when I’m overly stressed, I can’t concentrate on creativity easily. It’s not a flowing process, so I need to cleanse my brain’s palette. There are two ways that I do this: I make lists of everything I need to do. One of the things I constantly stress about is forgetting […]

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Monday Thoughts on Creativity: Do Share

Monday is only acceptable if you take the day off. I love this concept. In this day and age, with all the social sharing we can do, this has never been more true. We can share small works, especially passages from our current WIP and haikus and photography. Whether it’s through something formal(ish) like Wattpad […]

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Monday Thoughts on Creativity: Risk and Failure

Monday keeps coming around again, but I didn’t send it an invitation… This is so extremely true. Creativity isn’t about waiting for inspiration to strike, it’s about living in an inspired state. That’s how I see it. Some times are more creative than others, but if I don’t allow myself to live in my creativity, […]

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I have a big ol’ update on Locke and Keye, the second book in the Dark Victoriana Collection, and it was too big to write! Instead, I’ve updated you in my latest video:  

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Women in Horror Month Interview

This month is Women in Horror month! To celebrate, David Spell from The Scary Reviews and Erin Al-Mehairi from Hook of a Book are co-hosting interviews of 20 female dark fiction and horror authors in 2 weeks. The interviews are short and sweet, and you’ll discover lots of new books you can’t resist. Read my and two […]

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Monday Thoughts on Creativity: Ditching Clichés

Aaaaand we’re back from the weekend. Happy Monday! I think this quote is true of success in general, but creativity in particular blooms from original thoughts about the same old thing. In particular, think about descriptions. There are so many clichés out there, so many overused phrases that we accept in every single book. It’s really […]

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TBT Writer – My First Book?

Last month, YA fantasy author Amie Irene Winters shared her Throwback Thursday of her very young writer self. This week, I’m joining her! If you’ve got a writing throwback, post it with this hashtag so we can all read your story. ~~~ In eighth grade, I had a class in which we got to write our own short story, […]

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Monday Thoughts on Creativity: Travel Through Imagination

Happy Monday! Ugh…work…let’s go somewhere else. I travel all over the place through my imagination. When I’m over-stressed, I live in Morrowind. When I feel everything is too complicated, I live in the Victorian Era. And when I watch film noir movies, I live there for more than the duration of the movie. I get to be […]

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Monday Thoughts on Creativity: Writer Ingredients

Happy Monday! I hope you have a productive day today! Here’s something to make you smile. Don’t you love this quote?   Doesn’t this describe writers just perfectly? We are curious in our ideas of what could and couldn’t happen; flexible in our ability to roll with the creative punches and adjust where necessary, usually […]

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