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Monday is only acceptable if you take the day off.
contagious creativity
I love this concept. In this day and age, with all the social sharing we can do, this has never been more true. We can share small works, especially passages from our current WIP and haikus and photography. Whether it’s through something formal(ish) like Wattpad or relaxed like Instagram, we can share our work and our ideas instantly and for free. I’ve never shared a whole book for free, only short works, but I do have a book or two in mind to share permafree.
Think about this too.
Libraries, art galleries, restaurants – these are all ways to share creativity, free or not. Whether it’s a novel, a piece of art, or a fusion dish, it’s something meant to bring beauty and inspiration, thought and emotion to us. Those who enjoy it get inspired to create something else, whether it’s something similar but with their own spin, or something completely unrelated. It’s because we can share our visions, our drafts, our final products that others catch the creativity bug. It’s about sharing and appreciating and interpreting. It’s about opening ourselves up to everything and deciding for ourselves what we’ll be and what we’ll create because others have shown us more than we could ever imagine. So share and share alike. I know I will.

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