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Something Else

Monday Thoughts on Creativity: Risk and Failure

Monday keeps coming around again, but I didn’t send it an invitation… This is so extremely true. Creativity isn’t about waiting for inspiration to strike, it’s about living in an inspired state. That’s how I see it. Some times are more creative than others, but if I don’t allow myself to live in my creativity, […]

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Women in Horror Month Interview

This month is Women in Horror month! To celebrate, David Spell from The Scary Reviews and Erin Al-Mehairi from Hook of a Book are co-hosting interviews of 20 female dark fiction and horror authors in 2 weeks. The interviews are short and sweet, and you’ll discover lots of new books you can’t resist. Read my and two […]

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Monday Thoughts on Creativity: Creativity is a Drug

Alright, Monday, let’s do this. I think all creative people can relate to this quote from the incredible producer/director/writer/editor (etc.) Cecil B. DeMille. I find that even if my anxiety about writing returns, once I get going, I can’t stop, and then I can’t wait until the next time I can write, whether it’s in […]

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A Valentines Love Letter for Indie Authors

It recently struck me how rich my reading life has become since discovering the world of independent authors. To all of you out there who publish books the indie way, thank you for the variety, the diversity, and the creativity you’ve built for the book industry. It just wouldn’t be the same without you.  

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TBT Writer – My First Book?

Last month, YA fantasy author Amie Irene Winters shared her Throwback Thursday of her very young writer self. This week, I’m joining her! If you’ve got a writing throwback, post it with this hashtag so we can all read your story. ~~~ In eighth grade, I had a class in which we got to write our own short story, […]

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Monday Thoughts on Creativity: Travel Through Imagination

Happy Monday! Ugh…work…let’s go somewhere else. I travel all over the place through my imagination. When I’m over-stressed, I live in Morrowind. When I feel everything is too complicated, I live in the Victorian Era. And when I watch film noir movies, I live there for more than the duration of the movie. I get to be […]

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Monday Thoughts on Creativity: Ignoring Harsh Criticism

Happy Monday! I hope you have a great start to the week. Remember, Monday is the start of the runway to the weekend. Now, let’s talk about harsh criticism. No, I’m not talking about feedback or critique, I’m talking about the stuff that makes people stop pursuing their dreams. Let me define exactly what I’m […]

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Perrault vs. Andersen vs. Grimm Fairy Tales

Yesterday was Charles Perrault’s 388th birthday, and being one of the fathers of some of our modern fairy tales, I wanted to celebrate. Well, consider this a belated celebration. There are three main authors who have had a major impact on fairy tales and whose stories lived on through Disney movies – only usually quite different. […]

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