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Tags: novels

Why #IndiePrideDay Was (And Is) So Important

There’s no question about it – Indie Pride Day was a major success, way beyond what I expected. TONS of indie authors participated and, as usual, everyone was extremely kind and ready to cross-promote. I can’t tell you how happy I am to be able to call that sort of behavior “the usual” in any […]

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Upcoming Writing Weekend!

I’ve really taken to having writing weekends, but especially weekends away, if possible, so that I can have different surroundings than I’m used to and get inspired. This month I’m going to be staying in a bed and breakfast room that has Victorian era-style wallpaper! Perfect inspiration – you’ll see why below. I’ll be seeing some friends […]

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2015 Writer Goals

New Year’s resolutions are not my thing. I don’t think they’re most people’s thing. But this year, I’m determined to make some achievable goals and accomplish them one by one because they’re achievable. I’m not going to promise myself ridiculous things, things that seem out of reach from the start. I’m promising myself things that […]

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BOOKTUBE: Brutal Youth Review

I have made my first foray into Booktube! Check out my video review of Anthony Breznican’s Brutal Youth, a fiction book on teenage bullying from all angles. Let me know if you’ve read this book and what you think of it. I gave it 4 stars and would recommend it.

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Writing Plan for NaNoWriMo!

Now we’re down to the last 9 days of NaNoWriMo! HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?! Anyway, I came up with a helpful 10 day plan that will keep you on track so you can WIN! Check it out, and if you read this when we have 5 days left or 3 etc., just skip to that part […]

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Writing Inspiration: Collection of Old Keys

As you may have seen in my Inspirational Objects video, I LOVE old keys. They are immensely inspirational to me. Not only does my NaNoWriMo novel take place in Victorian times, but keys are going to play a large part in the storyline. I promised to show my collection, so here is some of it: […]

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Book Title, Cover, and Synopsis Revealed

THE DAY HAS COME! NaNoWriMo has begun and I’m off to a satisfying start. I was nervous my novel writing skills would be too rusty to do as well as I hoped, but today is proving to me that I’ve still got it – I just have to dust it off. I think this novel […]

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Reblog: Celebrities Are Off Limits. Here's Why.

Proof Positive just put up a post about why authors shouldn’t include celebrity names, based on a recent lawsuit. Avoid a lawsuit of your own and find out what happened and how to dodge the same issue: http://www.proofpositivepro.com/writing-2/celebrities-are-off-limits-heres-why/

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Morals and Ethics in Your Work

I recently read a Victorian novel called Can You Forgive Her? by Anthony Trollope, and the thing which stood out the most to me was the author’s unusual opinions on morals. One example is that one of the male characters, Burgo Fitzgerald, can’t help that he’s an alcoholic and a gambler with no real feelings for […]

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