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It’s here, the time is finally here! At last I can show you the cover I’ve been holding on to for months!

Locke and Keye (Dark Victoriana Collection Book 2)
Coming September 7, 2017
“Brothers in the art of keeping secrets.” This is the mantra Mr. Locke’s carefully chosen five employees must repeat together every day before starting work.
If you won’t tell them your name for Locke and Keye’s ledger, they’ll find out. They have their ways—and many of them. Yes, these talented locksmiths can make a new lock and key set for you. They can even make a special padlock for a diary you never want to share with anyone. But just remember: when they make the lock, they keep a key—and it’s only a matter of time until they use it.
Day by day, each of these young, single, alone-in-the-world workers is being molded into the family they crave. A family in which each member has his use toward an end he doesn’t even know exists.
How do the brotherhood and the town’s secrets interlock? Only Mr. Locke holds the key.
Unlock the second book in the Dark Victoriana Collection with Locke and Keye.
As a standalone novel, Locke and Keye’s distinct characters and tense atmosphere create a dark Victorian experience that will stay with you after you turn the final page. As the book immediately following Anatomy of a Darkened Heart, Locke and Keye leads the Dark Victoriana Collection in a whole new psychological direction while expanding familiar characters and scenes to continue the Whitestone legacy.
Pre-order today, read it September 7, 2017.
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Some behind the scenes info about cover iterations and general exciting news accompanied by epic music:

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Locke and Keye excerpt:
Matthew looked down at his interwoven fingers. “I wonder what Jude knows that we don’t,” he said.
John put the journal down and looked at Matthew. “I don’t want to know,” he said. “Being asked to follow someone? It seems a little…” John shook his head once and looked down at the journal again.
“Well it must be for a reason,” Matthew said. “Mr. Locke wouldn’t be part of anything underhanded, I’m sure.”
The corners of John’s mouth tightened. “I’m sure.”
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Locke and Keye Amazon link:
Amazon: https://bookgoodies.com/a/B073YPBHST
Sign up for my brand new newsletter here! You’ll only get emails when I have a new release coming up, a sale, or a giveaway.
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Check out my friends’ blogs, too, for Locke and Keye‘s cover release and to see what they’re writing! These links will be updated as blogs and videos are posted, so check back!
Amie Irene Winters: http://bit.ly/2ukrgjn
Jay Norry: http://wp.me/p5XaFK-ss
JB Taylor: http://bit.ly/2vwadsS
JD Estrada: http://bit.ly/2gSlVLq
Joshua Robertson: http://bit.ly/2uLvm4n
Kristina Renzi: http://kristinarienzi.com/stratus-locke-keye-release/
Marnie Cate: http://www.marniecate.com/unlock-the-magic
Sunshine Somerville: http://bit.ly/2uKakDF


  1. I’ve pre-ordered and I can’t wait to read your new book! 🙂

    1. Thanks so much, Daisy, I can’t wait to find out what you thought of it!

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