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No, I’m not referring to an app. Real-life notebooks!
There are two things I heavily depend on as a writer: notebooks that reflect the essence of what I’m writing, and fun sticky notes or notepads. This Christmas I was so excited to get exactly those two things as gifts!
The notebook on top is small and lightweight, easy to carry, which is awesome because my notebooks are pretty heavy and I carry them in my handbag, which means I frequently have to replace my bag. I carry far too much in it, including notebooks and books. I can only keep a bag around for about 3-4 months before the straps break.
I do have a particular book in mind for this, but it’s a very general idea so far. It’s on the ten-year publishing plan instead of the five-year one because I need time to flesh it out. It will be my first fantasy book, probably more towards the low or mundane fantasy subgenres, but it’s too far in advance to say for sure.
If you want to see (some of) my collection of notebooks, check out my Notebook Love Affair video:

I’m addicted to sticky notes – or small notepaper of any kind. Normally addiction isn’t a good thing, but I use loose notepaper for everything, including but not limited to: actual notes about work and writing, bookmarks, drawing silliness, inserting writing notes into my writing notes, random recipe ideas, notes about new writing ideas, notes reminding me to find the writing notes I lost, etc. I go through stacks of sticky and regular notepaper very quickly, and the cuter and more fun, the better. Who doesn’t like to look upon a serious note and smile at the funness of the paper?
I keep a running list of the journals I could use for book ideas on Pinterest. Come join me there!

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