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Review of "Anatomy of a Darkened Heart" by Christie Stratos

I’m so thrilled with the amazing review of ANATOMY OF A DARKENED HEART from Sunshine Somerville! My smile is stuck on my face! Her blog review is wonderful and her YouTube review is awesome too. They have different details, so be sure to check them both out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RwIcHmAL_Q&feature=youtu.be Thank you, Sunshine!

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How to Ruin an Ending in One Easy Move

The Strange Affair of Uncle Harry (1945) was a fantastic movie. Heartbreaking, suspenseful, psychological. Yes, one hour and 15 minutes of it was great. The last 5 minutes, however, were horrendous. You see, this movie suffered from Cop-out Ending Disorder, and it ruined the entire thing. Spoilers are included in this post, but don’t worry. If […]

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Monday Thoughts on Creativity: Fiction Binoculars

When Monday is a national holiday, it gets a pass. One of the most important things creativity can be used for is not necessarily pushing your own views, but zooming in on something that needs more attention. In Joe Compton’s Amongst the Killing, it was how multidimensional the pain of loss can be and that it […]

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Monday Thoughts on Creativity: Ambiance Travel

Somehow I thought Mondays would become extinct in the new year. No such luck. I couldn’t find a quote that expressed my point accurately so I made my own. 🙂 We would all love to go and write wherever inspires us, both in general and for specific works. Maybe you’re writing something that requires a […]

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Help NaNoWriMo get the funding it needs just by voting! Yes, you heard correctly – no need to register, log in, give personal info, or even donate. Voting is all we need to give NaNoWriMo the chance to have some of the funds raised during this year’s Project for Awesome. Watch my video to see […]

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NaNoWriMo Videos Catch-up

Exactly 10 days left of NaNoWriMo! Now is the time to buckle down and make it happen. Here are some tips, encouragement, and helpful apps. How to use word sprints to catch up, determine whether a scene will work in your book, and writer’s block: When should you stop writing to do research – if ever? […]

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Official NaNoWriMo YouTube Guide!

If you haven’t already heard, I’m partnered with NaNoWriMo this year as a YouTube Guide! I did NaNo videos in 2014 (daily), 2015 (weekly), and now 2016 (twice per week). Wednesdays my videos will be hosted on NaNoWriMo’s YouTube channel and Saturdays I’ll have videos on my own channel. All of these will be added to my […]

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3 Things I Would Rewrite in HUMORESQUE

The movie “Humoresque” is a classic tale of music, obsession, and love starring John Garfield and Joan Crawford. If you haven’t seen it, I recommend it; the violin solos are incredible, the acting is excellent, and the dresses Crawford wears are beautiful. It’s a movie I watch about once a year and enjoy every time, […]

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