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Tags: 1800s

19th Century Jewelry!

The website I’ve sponsored this month, The Victorian Era, has a well written and visually stunning post up about Victorian jewelry. You’ll find everything from symbolism in jewelry (you know that’s my favorite section) to styles you may not have heard of, summarized beautifully and succinctly, and did I mention the beautiful pictures? Come visit […]

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Monday Thoughts on Creativity: Travel Through Imagination

Happy Monday! Ugh…work…let’s go somewhere else. I travel all over the place through my imagination. When I’m over-stressed, I live in Morrowind. When I feel everything is too complicated, I live in the Victorian Era. And when I watch film noir movies, I live there for more than the duration of the movie. I get to be […]

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Symbolism in the Victorian Era

I’m proud to say that this month, I’m officially sponsoring a fantastic website dedicated to the Victorian Era, and it’s appropriately called The Victorian Era! Geerte researches 19th century history and shares fascinating information, including little-known facts and details that are hard to find without doing in-depth research. My blog post on The Victorian Era website […]

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Locke and Keye Update!

I can’t believe how little I’ve told you about Locke and Keye, the second book in the Dark Victoriana Collection. Well, it’s time for a nice big update, including some secrets to look forward to. Shhhh… 😉

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Permanent Spot with Marnie Cate!

It’s an honor to have a permanent page on YA fantasy author Marnie Cate’s website, which, by the way, is beautifully designed. An excerpt from Anatomy of a Darkened Heart and a description of the Dark Victoriana Collection along with what you have to look forward to is neatly arranged on the page. Here it is! And don’t […]

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Book ThanksGiveaway Starts Now! AoDH Giveaway!

Starting right this minute, I’m launching ThanksGiveaway, a month-long book giveaway of PDF, print, and audiobooks from a wide range of authors. You can look forward to at least one book giveaway per week this month, starting with mine. This week you can enter 9 different ways, and some entries can be done once per […]

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NaNoWriMo 2015 Begins TODAY!

So begins the season of hurried writing! During this year’s NaNoWriMo, I’m writing the second book in the Dark Victoriana Collection, Locke and Keye. I won’t be doing a vlog per day this time, but I will be vlogging when possible as well as trying some new cafes that I’ll take pictures of and tell you about. There […]

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Anatomy of a Darkened Heart Launches Today!

The day has finally come! Anatomy of a Darkened Heart is now available on Amazon for digital and paperback purchase. Celebrate with me on my new Facebook author page, where I’ll post giveaways, chats, and other fun things all day. Anatomy of a Darkened Heart is just the first book of five in the Dark […]

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