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I promised in my Characters’ Psychologies video that I’d show you the Victorian house I’m staying in, so here are some great inspirational highlights from it. Hope they inspire you too!
Victorian house bedroom
Let’s start in the beautiful bedroom I’m sleeping in. Maroon walls, pink bed covers and pillows, and a chest with a story to tell. Ideal for me!
bedside lamp
The lamp at my bedside is perfect for reading. Each milk glass section lights individually and together to give you exactly the amount of light you want. The ambient lighting is also great for late-night writing in a notebook.
bedroom chest view
Damaged chest, perfect bed. Stories are in the making!
mirror and bureau
Little corner of cute.
glass doorknob
The beautiful glass doorknob and lock on my door.
hallway light
Let’s move out to the hallway. At night, this is the lamp that just barely lights the hallway.
blue flowers
My mom’s room is more of a beach theme (the place we’re staying is by the beach), so it’s a white and blue room. The owners of the house put these lovely blue and white flowers in her room as a finishing touch. I just think they’re so pretty!
blue room glass doorknob
Blue room glass doorknob. I love the contrast of colors.
child's view
A child’s view of the same doorknob. The slightly open door suggests a lot of possibilities to me. I also think the light blue on white seems very innocent.
damaged chest
Back to my room for a minute. I love this damaged chest so much!
The paint is chipped away but the secrets remain intact.
darkened light
There is always light in the darkness.
Writer as photographer.
Let’s go downstairs.
Mirror mirror…
This regal lion oversees the family room. He tops off a piece of furniture called a hall tree that acts as a chair, a mirror, and a coat hanger. It’s seriously unique.
carving detail
Beautiful carving details on the same piece of furniture as the lion.
The dining room is always dim, and at night this light casts an eerie glow over the wooden dining room table.
And for the finale, something dramatic.
I hope you enjoyed this tour! This place keeps my motivation and productivity high. Do you have a place that does that same for you?


  1. What an amazing house! What could be more inspiring than a writing getaway in a house with so much character!

    1. I know! I feel inspired constantly here. Even down to the lighting it’s perfect for me. 🙂

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