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Tags: author

WINNERS ANNOUNCED: Call for Journal Submissions

At the beginning of April, I made a YouTube video asking notebook and journal makers to submit their gem/jewel/crystal-themed journals. I’ve been looking for one to use for another book in my 10-year publishing plan. See my original video here: I was thrilled with the wonderful entries submitted! I’d like to show you the beautiful […]

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Featured by Author Ben Starling!

Today I was lucky enough to be on author Ben Starling’s blog! He interviewed me about my writing life, Anatomy of a Darkened Heart, and what’s coming next for me. You probably know what I eat when I write, but do you know what I wear? I think you’ll be surprised, for a dark fiction author. […]

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Anatomy of a Darkened Heart and Shakespeare

Saturday was Shakespeare’s 400 year anniversary, and somehow I feel sad he’s gone…for 400 years. Even though I could never meet him, I feel a huge connection to him. His plays made Anatomy of a Darkened Heart happen. My interest in most of the elements that make up AoDH came from my experiences reading Shakespeare. He built […]

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TBT Writer – Handwriting Then and Now

It’s time for Amie Winters’ monthly Throwback Thursday for writers! If you’ve got a writing throwback, post it with this hashtag so we can all read your story. Here’s mine. ~~~ When I was flipping through a notebook I’ve had since around 7th or 8th grade, I noticed the enormous difference between my handwriting then and […]

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Women in Publishing Discussion Recording Available!

Forgive the lack of Monday Thoughts on Creativity, but BIG NEWS! If you missed the Women in Publishing/Strong Leadership live discussion panel on April 10, you can watch the recorded video here: We had great questions from Twitter, varied opinions and ideas, and overall a fantastic panel of successful women in the publishing industry. This […]

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My Writing Free on Goodreads!

There are some short stories and poems that (A) I don’t plan on submitting to contests, (B) have already won a contest, or (C) have already been published and the rights remained with me. I’ve been trying to think of a way to share them with you easily in one place and not need you to sign […]

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Monday Thoughts on Creativity: Simplification

Be gentle, Monday. It’s all a bit sudden. Have you ever read a line in a book or a poem that blew your mind with its simplicity? Sometimes a writer can break a concept down so far that you’re wowed and amazed that it never occurred to you to phrase or express it that way. […]

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Go Indie Now: The Latest Indie Trends

Indie is where you discover brave new adventures in creativity. My friend Joe Compton, author of Amongst the Killing and super fantastic supporter of all things indie, has started a website called Go Indie Now. It’s the place to be for live interviews, events, and more, all revolving around the latest in indie culture. Authors, musicians, […]

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Monday Thoughts on Creativity: Do Share

Monday is only acceptable if you take the day off. I love this concept. In this day and age, with all the social sharing we can do, this has never been more true. We can share small works, especially passages from our current WIP and haikus and photography. Whether it’s through something formal(ish) like Wattpad […]

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Monday Thoughts on Creativity: Risk and Failure

Monday keeps coming around again, but I didn’t send it an invitation… This is so extremely true. Creativity isn’t about waiting for inspiration to strike, it’s about living in an inspired state. That’s how I see it. Some times are more creative than others, but if I don’t allow myself to live in my creativity, […]

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